Friday 15 February 2013

Love Story of Nina (Part 1)

             Nur Sakinah Yasmin Binti Yusniman or also known as Nina is a cousin of Ashraf Aziz. Nina is the one of the top students in SMK Wira Penrissen, Kuching, Malaysia. She's got 9As in SPM 2011. 3 months later, she received a scholarship to continues her studying in University of London, England. On 21 August 2012, she's went to Kuala Lumpur and then took the next flight to London using Malaysia Airlines, one of the best airlines in the world. When she arrived at Heathrow International Airport, London, she's met Mak Dara Hj Abu Khassan, Nina's grandmother.

            "Nina, lama sik nemu kitak. Dah 3 tahun kita sik nemu. Pa khabar kitak? Bagus?", said Mak Dara.

            "Alhamdulillah nek. Kamek rindu kitak gilak-gilak. Mak bapak kamek kirim salam ngan kitak", Nina responded.

            "Waalaikummussalam. Juh! gi rumah ninek. Ninek dah masak Asam Pedas Ikan Pari. Kitak suka nak? Ninek gik ingat marek kitak gik kecik marek, kitak makan Asam Pedas Ikan Parek nang abis semangkuk. Bukan semangkuk jak, seperiuk nun kitak bantei. Hahaha", said Mak Dara.

             "Hahaha, mestilah. Hehehe", Nina responded.

              Mak Dara's driver, Soleh Johnson ( a muslim driver ) brought Mak Dara and Nina to Mak Dara's house which is located in Cranley Garden, London City. Mak Dara's house was beautiful and the decoration in and outside the house is interesting. Mak Dara was interested with Hibiscus and Orchid flowers. Her house, she's got many of Hibiscus and Orchid flowers that's make her house beautiful.
              When Nina arrived at Mak Dara's house, she went to the kitchen quickly until she forget the luggage bags.

              "Astaga Nina, cubalah angkut beg kitak lok oh. Kakya baruk makan Asam Pedas ya", said Mak Dara.

              "Kaktok kamek angkut. Kamek gik makan tok. Nang nyaman Asam Pedas Ikan Parek kitak tok. Yummeh", said Nina.

               "Aok bah. Makanlah habis sia. Kakya angkut beg ya. Kitak dari kecik sampai kinek tok nang sik pandei berubah. Nang kedak biak kecik kitak ya", Mak Dara responded.

               "Hehehe", Nina smiled widely.

                After she ate Asam Pedas Ikan Pari, she brought her luggage bags to her room. After that, she's sleeping for a while after the long travelling.

                 At 6.50 p.m (London time), the Adzan is heard from London Central Mosque. Mak Dara and Nina perform the Maghrib prayer. After they performed, they read the Al - Quran (holy book of Islam).

               "Nina, kamek mok dengar kitak baca surah Al- Ma'un. Boleh sik?",said Mak Dara.
               "Boleh nek.", Nina responded.

                After Nina read the surah of Al-Ma'un:

                "Alhamdulillah. Pande kitak. Kacak sora kitak", said Mak Dara

                 "Maksih nek.", Nina responded.

                  "Juh, sembahyang isyak gik. Azan dah dengar ya. Lekak sembahyang tido. Esok awal pagi Pak Soleh Johnson anta kitak ke University London ya k??", said Mak Dara.

                   "Ok nek.", Nina responded.

                    They perform the Isyak prayer. After they performed. Nina go to her room and sleep.


                   At 8.00 a.m, Nina woke up. After she showered herself, she went to the kitchen for breakfast.

                   "Selamat pagi nek.", said Nina and then kissed Mak Dara's cheek.

                   " Selamat pagi. Makan. Gine feeling kitak first time belajar kat University London??", said Mak Dara.
                   " A little bit nervous. Hahaha. Kamek pegi lok nek. Ari dakhir(akhir) dah.",Nina responded.

                   "Okey. Bait-bait jalan ya.", said Mak Dara.

                    Soleh Johnson brought Nina to University of London. When she's arrived, she felt happy. She went to the registration counter for the process of registration of the new students. After the registration, she was running quickly to her class. When she was running to her class, she was impinge with a handsome boy.

                     "Oh my GodIm sorry, are you ok?",said a handsome boy.

                     " I'm very sorry. I..I " she's stared to handsome boy's eyes and his face. Her feeling said "he's so handsome and I'd to be his girlfriend.*Sighed*"

                      "Are you ok?", said handsome boy.

                      "Yes, I'm ok", Nina responded.

                       "What's your name?", said handsome boy.

                        "I'm Nina. And you?", Nina spoke shying.
                        "I'm Liam Payne. Just call me Liam. Nice to meet you, Nina.", said Liam Payne.

                        "Nice to meet you, Liam.", said Nina.
                         "See ya soon.", Liam responded

                         "Ok.", said Nina.

                         Nina felt happy when she's met the handsome boy. Liam Payne. Then, she went to her class.







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